The first tab in the "Ribbons and icons top bar" is called "Projects". It includes the options to open and save projects, print, make reports and set preferences, among others.

Below there is a detailed list of these options:

File: Here you can find all the options to manage files.

Print: Here you will find the options to print a 2D or 3D project image and a report of the items in the design such as cabinets/units, appliances and accessories.

Save image: It allows you to save a .bmp, .png or .jpg file of your project image on the screen.

Edit image: This tool is for editing your renders, adding a logo and/or text such as a water mark. You will be prompted first to select the render image you wish to edit.

Show report: When clicking on this icon, a report of all the cabinets/units, appliances and accessories in the design is shown.

Preferences: Here you can set the language, units (mm, cm or inches) and the security copy name and frequency (from 1 to 30 minutes).

Annotation: It allows you to add annotations or comments to the project.

Open autosaved file: It allows opening the last security copy that was saved according to the frequency and name you set in the "Preferences" option. (See "Preferences")

Import from Quick3DPlan mobile: It allows opening a file with a room created on an iPad or iPhone with the Quick3DPlan Mobile App (in .XML format) to continue the kitchen design.

Import from SketchUp: It allows you to import elements created with the SketchUp 3D modeling program.

Recents Projects: It shows the last 5 projects opened in Quick3DCloset®. Click on the project you want to open.

Shop: It shows the window to make shops in the Quick3DCloset® store and increase the subscription time.

Below you will find a detailed description of these commands.