The sixth tab in the "Ribbons and icons top bar" is called "Photo". It includes the options to change materials and ranges. Here you will also find the tools to change lights.
See the different options below.
![Unit style](lib/imagesiconos027.jpg)
Unit style: This tool allows you to apply any of the available ranges to one cabinet or to all cabinets in the design.
![Worktop material](lib/imagesiconos032.jpg)
Worktop material: It allows changing countertop material.
![Units and mouldings](lib/imagesiconos028.jpg)
Units and mouldings: It allows you to change the material of the cabinet carcase, door, handle, mouldings and worktop.
![Accessory materials](lib/imagesiconos029.jpg)
Accessory materials: This tool allows you to change accessory materials.
![Appliances materials](lib/imagesiconos050.jpg)
Appliances materials: This tool allows you to change the appliances materials.
![Walls material](lib/imagesiconos030.jpg)
Walls material: It allows you to select new material for a selected wall or for all walls in the design.
![Floor material](lib/imagesiconos031.jpg)
Floor material: It allows you to change floor material.
![Wall moldings](lib/imagesiconos038.jpg)
Wall moldings: This option allows you to change the material of the plinth and cornice placed on walls, partitions and pillars.
Lights: This tool allows you to change light intensity and move lights.
Photo: This option allows you to create photorealistic images of the design.
360º Panorama: This option generates a 360 degree panorama view of the design including floor and ceiling.
Below you will find a detailed description of these tools.